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Do you think there is nothing you can do about the size of your water bill? You may be wasting water in ways you don’t realize, which causes you to end up paying for water you don’t really need. Here are some tips and tricks that can help.

Check for Leaks Around Your Home

A slowly dripping faucet or a running toilet can be wasting hundreds of gallons of water by the end of the month.

Get in the habit of checking for leaks around your home on a regular basis, and have leaks repaired promptly to avoid wasting water.

All of this simply achieved by maintaining a working plumbing system.

Take Your Vehicle to the Carwash

You may think that washing your car at home is more economical than going to the carwash, but when you wash your vehicle at home, you are using a lot more water and time than would be needed to wash it at the carwash.

The number of gallons you use for this purpose is even more noticeable if you have multiple vehicles. Get in the habit of going to the carwash instead.

Take Showers Instead of Baths

If you fill the tub to take a bath, you could be using as much as 70 gallons of water each time. Contrast that with taking a shower, which uses around one-fourth as much.

If several members of your family are in the habit of taking baths, think of the money that could be saved on your water bill if they switch to taking showers instead. Try to limit the length of showers to five minutes or less.

Water Your Plants with Greywater

It isn’t really necessary to water your plants with clear water out of the tap. Water that has been gently used for washing dishes or clothes is known as greywater and is reusable for watering trees and plants.

If you wash dishes with running water, catch the water in a basin and use it for your plants. A nursery or cooperative extension here in Gloucester can give you more information on the use of greywater and how plants tolerate it or thrive on it.

There are other ways that you may be wasting water without realizing it. Turn the water off when you shave or brush your teeth. Running water to wash dishes uses quite a bit more water than using a dishwasher. Pay attention to the water you are using and possible wasting. Making an effort to cut back can help reduce the amount of your water bill and help you to save money.
